How many times have you received messages on Instagram from some unknown person asking you to lend them money or go on a date with them? Well, what did you do in those situations? Let them bother you with those constant messages or block their profile and be done with them. Apart from these, what other options did you have? Thanks to Instagram we can block known and unknown people to make sure that we are safe on the app. 

It isn’t something that we don’t know of, it isn’t hidden, and Instagram is used by almost everyone. People now don’t ask for the other person’s number but their Instagram ID so that they can follow them and see how the person looks. Instagram has become the social media giant having 1.21 billion active monthly users surpassing any other social media platform. It has unique features of following private accounts, unfollowing, posting photos, stories, reels, etc. which have made it quite popular amongst the youth. Along with the crown of being the most used application, Instagram bears the weight of having multiple security features. One of which is blocking someone.

You can easily block someone from your profile by searching the account you want to block, then tapping on the three dots on the profile and selecting the block option. In its recent features update, the popular social media application gave one more option for blocking. Apart from the regular “block the account” they added the feature of blocking the account as well as any account that the person using the number or email ID may create. 

But is there anyone who can follow an account if it has been blocked? Is there any way of checking what has been posted recently if the person who wants to see it has been blocked?  

 But first, see who has blocked you. Blocking someone on Instagram is a way to stop them from contacting you. If you block someone, they will no longer be able to see your posts or send you messages.

If you want to know who blocked you, go to the person’s profile and tap the three dots in the top right corner. Select “View Profile” from the menu that pops up. You will then see a list of all of your mutual followers with a “Block User” button next to their name. If they have blocked you, their name will not be there and instead, it will say “Blocked” next to it.

Now, how do we follow someone who has blocked us? If someone has blocked you on Instagram, there is no way for them to unblock themselves without deleting their account and starting over from scratch or by using a fake profile. But before doing any of it ask yourself, whether it is worth it. Whether it is of utmost importance to follow the person who has blocked you. If yes, then let’s dive in.

Ways to Follow Someone If They Blocked You On Instagram

These are some easy ways to follow someone who blocked you on Instagram.

Delete Your Profile and Make It Again

If you are so hell-bent on following the person who has blocked you then the first way of doing so is to delete your current profile and create one again. To do so, follow these steps

Remember, Instagram created a new option for blocking which is “block this account and any account the person creates” so this method might not be useful for you if the blocker chooses this option. 

If you figure out that you are still blocked, then use a fake profile.

Create A Fake Profile For Following The Account

The other option of following a blocked account is to create a fake account with different initials and different usernames. But, if the person has a personal account then it might be difficult for your follow request to be accepted by the person. And there are chances of the person finding out that it is your account and blocking you again.

Apart from these, you can always ask any mutual for help but it will come off a bit creepy. 

So, have you decided whether you want to follow the person who blocked you on Instagram or not? If yes, then which method is most suitable for you. 

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